African Mahogany Supplier in India

African Mahogany

African Mahogany Supplier in India The Khaya anthotheca genus of the mahogany species is commonly known as African mahogany. It is found in the western tropical region of Africa.


The African mahogany tree is huge, ranging from 100 feet to 130 feet in height. The trunk diameters are three to five feet around. African mahogany wood has a Janka hardness rating of 1,070 lbf, which is why it is perfect for fine furniture. This wood can be easily shaped but it is hard enough to survive wear and tear from everyday use.

Wood color

African mahogany, khaya ivorensis, sometimes has an interlocked grain pattern and a heartwood color ranging from deeper reddish-brown to pale pink. It can have streaks of medium to dark reddish brown as well. As with almost all mahogany types, the color of African mahogany lumber tends to darken with age.

Texture and grain

This wood has a medium to coarse texture, which needs to be treated properly so that it feels smoother. The grain shouldn’t be interlocked, since that can increase the chances of tear-out. If your manufacturer uses glue, this is fine since it won’t harm the wood at all.


The lumber from African mahogany is readily available in all sorts of sizes and types, including veneer and plywood. Prices usually depend on the quality and import costs of the hardwood.