Teak plants supplier in india

In teak agriculture -Teak plants is a quick-growing tree, with rounded crown, very variable in size, with straight stem, up to 27m/7m. Stem in favourable localities attains a large size, with tall, clean, cylindrical bole, having uniform girth, becomes fluted and buttressed with age. A pronounced light-demander. Sensitive to competition, particularly roots. Resists drought but sensitive to frost. Coppices and pollards vigorously. It is not browsed, withstands injuries from cutting and fire.

For soil reclamation, control of erosion; recommended for and grown under agro- and social forestry. Agricultural crops, which do not have an adverse effect on teak, such as maize, hill paddy, chillies, horse gram, ragi, etc., can be cultivated for 1-2 years in between teak. Also grown for shelter belts, windbreaks and as hedge.

One of the most important hardwoods the world over. Poles, piles, ship-building, all types of construction, bridge-building, coach-building, railways, frames, paneling, houses, various grades of plywood, particle-boards, fire-boards, furniture, cabinet-making, lorry-bodies, carts, carriages, mathematical instruments, violin-keys, long neck of sitar and body of harmonium, agricultural implements; chip boards of satisfactory strength and paper for writing and printing can be made form the waste wood-shavings. Activated charcoal can be made from sawdust.

Is a good firewood, but is not used (sapwood, 4989 kcal; heartwood, 5535 kcal/kg). Charcoal can also be made.

Seeds yield a fatty oil (2%), and promotes hair-growth; extract used as a lotion for eye-troubles.